Dear NHCCM Paddlers,
Getting anxious to go paddling again?
When I heard the paddling season kick off will be coming up in about 6 weeks, it brought a flood of thoughts. On the one hand, I thought of the time and effort it takes to practice, vs. the travel and other obligations I have this year, and wondered "how can I possibly paddle?" But then quickly thought back on the relationships and brotherhood, the pure joy of paddling together, feeling the boat run, the beauty of the ocean and sunsets, the satisfaction of a good hard workout, and wondered "how could I possibly NOT paddle?"
The season will be starting SOON, and I was asked to share a few thoughts..., which mainly turned to questions I asked myself. A few might sound familiar to you?
What are your personal goals as a paddler? How do you want to improve this season? Part of the satisfaction comes from taking your skills to the next level. Want to perfect your timing and technique, build strength and endurance, learn to stroke, learn to steer, or master the perfect turn? "Set the bar" a little higher this year- what will that be for you?
What can you do to contribute to the club? There is so much to do outside the canoe. Just as the body is made of many members, all of you have gifts and abilities, something to contribute. We need you.
Who are you going to invite, and what is your plan to reach out and welcome new paddlers? As happy as we are to see each other from previous seasons,we want to grow, and there are others on the island who need to be with us. You can certainly think of at least one person you'd like to invite to join us, yeah?
What are your plans to expand the ministry of the club and for your own spiritual growth? A deeper level of understanding and support for each other? Service to others? Outreach to the paddling community and beyond? A deeper personal walk with God, that you can share with your crew?
Have you checked the package? What have you done since Molokai to keep in shape? Stepped on the scales lately and realized the holidays are "still with you?" The stronger we are at the start, the more rapidly we can build and the stronger we'll be at the finish. Expect Coach Blane to have you lace up those running shoes on Day 1, before you get in the canoe. If you're not sure where you are at physically, find out. Check your blood pressure,get a physical. If you have any ongoing medical issues, talk to your doctor about them and make sure you know how hard you can push. If all that is in order, do something now to start to prepare- stretch and get loose, walk, run, cycle, swim, surf, paddle OC-1, do aerobics or weights, or whatever..., and take it up a notch or two between now and March.
When speaking of preparation, Joe Paterno (hey, all you college football fans know who he is, yeah?) said "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital."
See you soon.
God bless,
Aka "Dr. Jon"
Editor's Note: The 2008 New Hope Canoe Club Orientation/Registration Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 24Th, 1:15 PM, at the L.E.A.D. Center.
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