Saturday, January 26, 2008

"Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps' Summer Program"

Aloha kakou!

I am writing to announce that applications are available for the Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps' Summer Program.

The summer program is an awesome six week adventure that targets youth (usually between 15-20 years of age) and youth leaders (21 and over).

A select number of youth will get the chance to be a part of this program and work outdoors, help to restore Hawaii's environment, learn, and be apart of something bigger than themselves this summer. Youth will be engaged in teams and will assist various conservation agencies throughout the islands of Hawaii to be a part of the difference as they work to restore Hawaii's native environment.

I have attached a letter about the program with dates, deadlines, and followup information for you to share. This is an awesome opportunity for youth to learn more about conservation, culture, life skills, and so much more.

Participants work in teams and get the chance to serve alongside other young adults from various walks of life. For many young adults this will be a once in a life time experience. They get to work in places that many people who live in Hawaii do not get access to! They will get to camp, be outdoors, make new friends, and even learn how to cook rice! They also get a chance to learn from mentors who are specialists in on the ground restoration projects here in Hawaii. And even more, they are given the chance to develop hearts to serve one another and their community. This is an absolutely free program and no prior experience is required. The only cost will be the time to apply and some good old fashioned sweat this summer. In fact, not only is this program free, but participants will receive a $1,000 stipend ($3,000 for leaders) upon completion and can also optionally apply for college credits from University of Hawaii Manoa.

If you are thinking "Wow!", that's not all. This program has helped to encourage so many youth to pursue higher education, finish their schooling,and pursue careers in fact, I bet a few of you who are reading this now have jobs in conservation partly due to this program...Not only that, but our program gives out over $200,000 annually to assist participants in pursuing higher education in the form of educational vouchers. I personally feel an attachment to this program as an alumni. I know the first hand impact that this program can have on young adults and the importance that positive influences on them can have during this season of their lives.

This will be our biggest program yet with over 170 positions available, 10 teams, on five islands. We could really use your help in helping us to identify awesome youth in your communities.

Should you know of any youth that might benefit from this program, please take the time to share the attached information with them or direct them to our website:

Thank you for helping us to make a difference!Finally, should you want us to do a presentation to your class or organization, please feel free to contact Sean Moura in our office

We will also be doing informational sessions open to the public on the following dates:Kauai: Friday January 25th 5:30-7:00 Lihue Library Big Island: Thursday, January 31st, 7:00-9:00 UH Hilo UCB 114 Oahu, Molokai, Maui: TBD Please Contact us for more information

Thank you very much!


John Leong
Hawaii Youth Conservation Corps
3569 Harding Ave, Unit A
Honolulu, HI 96816
(808) 735-1221
(808) 735-1223 (fax)

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