Sunday, July 27, 2008

"Our Fab Five"

On Saturday, August 2nd, five of our New Hope Canoe Club paddling crews will be paddling and battling with the best paddlers across the State of Hawai'i.

Event 17 WOMEN NOVICE A Lane 14

Event 30 GOLDEN MEN MASTERS (55+) Lane 13

Event 33 WOMEN OPEN 4 Lane 9

Event 35 MIX GOLDEN MASTERS (55+) Lane 13

Event 36 MIX MASTERS (40+) Lane 9

This is where the rubber meets the road paddling fans, a time where everyone in a canoe club pulls together to support our 30 wahine and kane who will represent a canoe club and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Let's mass at our koa canoe the Kai 'Elua with each of our crews before they shove off to the starting line, and cheer them on as they give it everything they've got for one last time this regatta season.

It'll be one fun day, and make sure to help out at our fundraiser food booth, check out the championship logo wear station (the design is epic), and embrace what has become our state's official sport- Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Paddling!

"Let Um' Race!" -Michael Tongg

-Uncle Hut

P.S. Can our beloved sport be far from becoming a summer Olympic event? (pause to ponder) Hmmm...

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